If so, here is an update of our life since last I wrote:
Lots Of Visitors
We have been so blessed to have many people come to see little Annalise. We've had Kamloopsians, Langlians (Langleyites??), and even some Nanaimoans. Tomorrow we have some Slave Lakers (Wanda's brother and his wife), for a week or so. Then Wanda will drive back with them and spend a week in Slave Lake showing off the baby. She'll fly home after that.
The Crunch Heard 'Round The World
Wanda and Annalise were in a car accident. Nobody was hurt. We found out on Tuesday that they've written off our car. We will get OK (not generous) money for our car. Thank you to our WONDERFUL friend who has lent us a car. She's a real blessing to us in many ways.
The Hunt Begins
We've been spending way too much time on Craigslist looking at used cars. We're trying to decide if we should replace (get something comparable to what we had) or upgrade (buy a long term family vehicle). If you hear of anything....
OK. Well back to my Facebook.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Reflections On My First Father's Day

It's kind of like the first time I went to sleep in the same bed as my wife (May 4th, 1996. I'll have you know). You've wanted this for so long but it's here and it's kinda weird.
I: think "Non-Fatherhood" was my last connection to believing I was actually young. I'm not young anymore. Nope. Not me. O L D!! I better start acting like it.
I'm responsible for others now. It's really FREAKY.
I'm not making much sense but all I can say is that when all these people were wishing me a Happy Father's Day, I really didn't FEEL like it was me they were referring to. I guess I'm feeling comfortable DOING Dad things but actually BEING a dad... as in, it's part of my identity, not there yet.
So anyway, since I think most of the traffic on my blog is moms, ask your hubby for some advice. I'm all ears!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Ha Ha
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
At the Risk of Being Sentimental....
Leave one memory that you have with Wanda & I. It doesn't matter if you known us a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool/funny to see the responses (at least that's what I've heard, I haven't tried it yet).
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
How LIFE has changed, HOW LIFE has CHANGED!!

Hey everybody. Not sure if you all know this or not but..... having a baby really changes your life. Especially when you and your wife have been doing just fine on your own for 11 years, thank you very much!
1. We eat alone... I mean we're in the same room but one person eats while the other is with Ally. Which lead to number 2...
2. Cold food. I think we may abandon hot food all together and exist on a diet of sandwiches and cereal (cereal will get soggy... DANG, scratch that, but there's always sandwiches).
3. Sleep. Huh, what.
4. How did our place get SO much smaller overnight?
5. No more of me wearing black clothing with her around. Baby puke stains look absolutely ridiculous on black.... but blend in rather nicely with lighter colours, which is encouraging.
6. How do they get their poo that color (that one was for you DB).
7. We are a family now. We will have different goals and dreams than we had before. We will have new love come from our hearts that we've never had before.
8. Someone else needs me. Incredibly humbling and incredibly challenging.
9. NOT going out in the evening doesn't mean staying home watching TV. It means spending family time together, tickling, playing, seeing how much of my chest hair she can rip out in one handful.
10. Seeing who my wife is becoming by having an outlet for all that maternal stuff that was always inside her and never had a chance to flourish.
How LIFE has changed, HOW LIFE has CHANGED!! But I'm not complaining.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Adoption Update - WE RETURN!!!
We've finally booked a flight home.
We will be back at YVR at 10:18am on Saturday May 5th. We fly Honolulu Vancouver with a 3 hour layover in San Francisco. I'm not sure how long it will take to clear customs and (more importantly) immigration. Pray for immigration that they look favorably on us as we go there after our flight.
REALLY looking forward to seeing you and sharing our little Ali Jo with you. Thanks for being part of the journey.
We will be back at YVR at 10:18am on Saturday May 5th. We fly Honolulu Vancouver with a 3 hour layover in San Francisco. I'm not sure how long it will take to clear customs and (more importantly) immigration. Pray for immigration that they look favorably on us as we go there after our flight.
REALLY looking forward to seeing you and sharing our little Ali Jo with you. Thanks for being part of the journey.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Adoption Update - "Price Check In Aisle 3"
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
New Pictures
Thursday, April 19, 2007

She was introduced to her mother on April12th, 2007 and her father on April 16, 2007.
Annalise means "graced by God's Provision". Amen, brother!!!
Acceptable short forms are Lisey (LEE-SEE), Alise, Ally, or AJ (not to be confused with the Backstreet Boy).
Here's your chance to say something to Annalise. I promise whatever you post, I'll read to her. So if you think she needs a warning about her father's taste in hockey teams or something of that nature, Fire away. I'll let you know what she says.
Our family officially begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Adoption Update Hawaii 2.5 - I'm Going Tonight
Well y'all, thanks for all the comments over the last 5 days. I'm headed out tonight at 6:40pm to Honolulu. Wanda and baby will be there waiting for me.
Promise to keep updating lots whilst I'm gone. I think we'll be home on the 25th but there are no guarantees in this stuff.
Here's what to pray for:
1. Immigration paperwork - I will send it off today after I get the adoption agency to give it the final once over. It would be really great if it was processed in 7 days, so by next Tuesday.
2. BC Ministry paperwork. We are still waiting for one more form from the hospital in Honolulu before we can process this. A friend is going to take care of receiving that form for me and then taking it to the adoption agency. Same time frame would be great.
3. Pray that we would build the foundation stones of being a family over the next week while we're there.
4. Deals!!! While spending all this time in Hawaii is nice, the bills are piling up. Pray that the hotel will give us a great deal when we tell them our full story.
Thank you all for sharing this with us and especially with me. I've really needed all of you over these last five days. Talk to you soon!!!
Promise to keep updating lots whilst I'm gone. I think we'll be home on the 25th but there are no guarantees in this stuff.
Here's what to pray for:
1. Immigration paperwork - I will send it off today after I get the adoption agency to give it the final once over. It would be really great if it was processed in 7 days, so by next Tuesday.
2. BC Ministry paperwork. We are still waiting for one more form from the hospital in Honolulu before we can process this. A friend is going to take care of receiving that form for me and then taking it to the adoption agency. Same time frame would be great.
3. Pray that we would build the foundation stones of being a family over the next week while we're there.
4. Deals!!! While spending all this time in Hawaii is nice, the bills are piling up. Pray that the hotel will give us a great deal when we tell them our full story.
Thank you all for sharing this with us and especially with me. I've really needed all of you over these last five days. Talk to you soon!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Adoption Update Hawaii 2.4 - The Name
Friday, April 13, 2007
Adoption Update Hawaii 2.2 - JPG
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Adoption Update Hawaii 2.1
I just talked to Wanda (11pm Thursday) and she put the baby up to the phone and she made some funny sounds. I'm a dad. Oh man...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
THEEEEE Adoption Update
Ok here it is....
Many of you know we were (are still) planning to adopt from China.
On Thursday, we received a call from Wanda's cousin who recently adopted an African-American child from Hawaii. Wanda's cousin had received a call from her adoption lawyer in Hawaii wondering if she or anyone she knew would be interested in parenting a newborn African American baby girl. She immediately thought of us and she phoned.
We, of course, began to get excited.
Oh the possibilities. Being in our child's life from the first 2 weeks rather than at 12 to 14 months (as would be the case in China).
Over the Easter weekend, we wrestled, BOY did we wrestle. IT was tough. We went from absolutely no to maybe back to no to yes back to no. Monday more wrestling.
We decided to walk through the door and if God closes it, we would know it was His will.
2 hours ago we received word from the adoption lawyer in Hawaii that the birth mom has approved us and wants to place her baby in our home. All that is left is a lot of paperwork.
As it stands, Wanda will be leaving for Hawaii tomorrow (Wednesday) with her mom and will be meeting our daughter and the birth mom on Thursday. I'll stay behind and work on the immigration and citizenship paperwork and go to Hawaii early next week.
I'm so thankful for all of you and all of your prayers. I can't help think back to Easter Sunday. As it was a celebration time, Wanda and I were wrestling about this and not feeling peace yet. God directed me towards a song to sing in the service and I know these words are true:
"It soothes my doubts and calms my fears,
And it dries all my tears
Oh the Blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will NEVER lose it's power"
We've been wanting children for 10 of our 11 married years. Today it happened. I'm overwhelmed. The Blood WILL NEVER lose it's power!!!!!!!!
BTW - She's beautiful and we'll post pictures ASAP!!!
Many of you know we were (are still) planning to adopt from China.
On Thursday, we received a call from Wanda's cousin who recently adopted an African-American child from Hawaii. Wanda's cousin had received a call from her adoption lawyer in Hawaii wondering if she or anyone she knew would be interested in parenting a newborn African American baby girl. She immediately thought of us and she phoned.
We, of course, began to get excited.
Oh the possibilities. Being in our child's life from the first 2 weeks rather than at 12 to 14 months (as would be the case in China).
Over the Easter weekend, we wrestled, BOY did we wrestle. IT was tough. We went from absolutely no to maybe back to no to yes back to no. Monday more wrestling.
We decided to walk through the door and if God closes it, we would know it was His will.
2 hours ago we received word from the adoption lawyer in Hawaii that the birth mom has approved us and wants to place her baby in our home. All that is left is a lot of paperwork.
As it stands, Wanda will be leaving for Hawaii tomorrow (Wednesday) with her mom and will be meeting our daughter and the birth mom on Thursday. I'll stay behind and work on the immigration and citizenship paperwork and go to Hawaii early next week.
I'm so thankful for all of you and all of your prayers. I can't help think back to Easter Sunday. As it was a celebration time, Wanda and I were wrestling about this and not feeling peace yet. God directed me towards a song to sing in the service and I know these words are true:
"It soothes my doubts and calms my fears,
And it dries all my tears
Oh the Blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will NEVER lose it's power"
We've been wanting children for 10 of our 11 married years. Today it happened. I'm overwhelmed. The Blood WILL NEVER lose it's power!!!!!!!!
BTW - She's beautiful and we'll post pictures ASAP!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Music in the Church

It's been bugging me lately that it seems the Church (in general) uses music in a very old fashioned way. By that I mean, 100 years ago we thought, "If we have good music, people will come and listen and then we can preach the gospel to them". In esssence, a church service looks structurally the same as it did 100 years ago. I call that the "attractional" model. I don't think this works any more because the church doesn't have the very best musicians in the community any more so we're not really attracting anybody. The bigger problem I think is that what we have in the church now is a place where there is no room for music as artistic expression. There are churches where this happens but mainly it's because the church consists of mostly artists or was founded by artists.
Now think abot the fact that other forms of art (dance, painting, sculpting, photography, etc...) are way less represented in the Church, and you see the challenge we have in being a place where artistic expression can happen.
Do you guys see this in your setting? If so, how do you think it can be changed? Or.... am I asking the wrong questions?
Monday, March 12, 2007
Canucks Contest

Don't forget though...... 5 STANLEY CUPS!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!
Wisdom From Famous People - #2
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Wisdom From Famous People - #1a
Apparently I misquoted Ms. Carey. The quote is an urban myth and was part of a mock interview that is about 10 years old. So I guess we'll have to wait another 6 days to find a good quote for a famous people.
See you next week.
See you next week.
Wisdom From Famous People - #1
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Coffee... With a Dash of Morality!!!
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:
"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us." God brews the coffee, not the cups..... Enjoy your coffee! "
Monday, February 19, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Not In A Good Mood
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Soundtrack Of My Life

This idea came from Simone:
1. Open up your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question below type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. No repeat artists…stuff happens (randomly!!)
7. No cheating or doctoring your list to make yourself look cooler than the person you took this from.
The Result
Opening Credits:
Love Is Blindness - U2
First Day of School:
One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Falling in Love:
Colored People/Entertaining Angels - Mashup - DCTalk and Newsboys
Breaking up:
Maybe Baby - Buddy Holly
Theresa - Yuca
Life’s Ok:
Madame Bonaparte/Devil's Dream/Mason's Apron - Leahy
Mental Breakdown:
The Rotten Hand - Flatfoot 56
Coming Toward - David Crowder Band
Carried To The Table - Leeland
Getting Back Together:
I Love Your Presence - Vineyard Cinncinati
Wedding Scene:
What If - Coldplay
Birth of Child:
Song For The Bride - Brian Doerksen
Final Battle:
Satisfaction - Rolling Stones
Death Scene:
I Belong To You - Lenny Kravitz
Funeral Scene:
Everything I Do I Do It For You - Brian Adams
End Credits:
Y Cain't Da Homiez Hear Me? - Gospel Gangstaz
What’s the soundtrack of your life? Let me know in the comments section.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Information Porn

I've been dealing with an addiction that I've only recently, with the help of a friend, come to realize has a grip on me. It my desire for information. It doesn't matter what kind or of what relevance it is to my life, I just love information. I want to know when the new Flaming Lips album is dropping, what price I could get a home espresso maker for on eBay, And who's blog I haven't read, or more importantly, who's left a comment on mine.
Not only am I hooked on this drug, I have found a great place to get it: right here. The internet has become my dirty little secret. Now please don't misunderstand me, I don't have a problem with internet pornography in the classical sense. I have built safeguards into my life that help me with that.
But see the internet is there whenever I need it. I can be the 1st person to know about the latest trade in the NHL or the first person to know about Brittney or Paris's latest screw up. I can check the weather, WHENEVER I WANT!!! Not just when that guy comes on the news.
I struggle with control. I never thought I did but I do. In my mind, I think that if I can know everything there is to know about tomorrow, nothing will trip me up tomorrow. Nice thought I guess.
So I'm not disconnecting my internet and I'm not going to join a monastery. But I am going to:
- Spend no more than 20 minutes per day on the internet.
- Blog only weekly.
My time on the internet was interfering with my time with my wife. It was interfering with my time with God and it was interfering with my time with others. When 1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready to give a reason for the hope you have, I'd be ready after I responded to an e-mail or read this fascinating article about the new Apple iPhone.
So if you're a daily lurker, sorry. I'm cutting back to only weekly. I hope you understand. (In the process of writing this post, I have come dangerously close to my 20 minute allotment.)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Holistically Pro Life

Any thoughts?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Twice In 12 Months

Got my wallet stolen again on Monday. Someone broke into our (Starbucks) staff room and stole my new wallet, my cel phone and (incidentally) my brand new Bible that Wanda gave me for Christmas.
This time it's much more devastating because I had ALL of my ID in this wallet. This new wallet was extra big and everything except my passport was in there. When I called Visa and MC, they told me my card had been used in several drinking establishemnts within a 4 block radius of the store, and this was only 2 or 3 hours after he had taken it. I also am out a cel phone and those are a freakin' fortune to buy without a contract.
Song of the Day - Bad Day - Daniel Powter
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Workin' For "The Man"

The truth is that after my Christmas vacation, I've started working for..Starbucks. Yeah I know, it's not good.
I had this dillema, Wanda and I had been downtown Van for 2+ years and still felt like we needed to broaden our place of influence. I went to Starbucks one day around Christmas to pick up some donated coffee for a strata function and struck up a conversation with the manager. He mentioned how they were needing help in the new year after all the college crowd went back to school. I knew it was time to leave the Well (just knew it was time, nothing bad).
So I had a decision to make:
So the mission won. There was no other shop to get a job at and this Starbucks is so close to my place that I could throw a rock through the window from my couch.
If you're disappointed in me I understand. But we want to be in the center of our neighborhood and this is as close as I could get.
Here's the crazy thing, I've been there 2 shifts, and I learning LOTS about coffee. I'm really enjoying the learning component so far. I even made my first drink for a customer today.
Go ahead and pummle (pummel? - sp) me with negative comments I'm ready for it.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
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