Hey everybody. Not sure if you all know this or not but..... having a baby really changes your life. Especially when you and your wife have been doing just fine on your own for 11 years, thank you very much!
1. We eat alone... I mean we're in the same room but one person eats while the other is with Ally. Which lead to number 2...
2. Cold food. I think we may abandon hot food all together and exist on a diet of sandwiches and cereal (cereal will get soggy... DANG, scratch that, but there's always sandwiches).
3. Sleep. Huh, what.
4. How did our place get SO much smaller overnight?
5. No more of me wearing black clothing with her around. Baby puke stains look absolutely ridiculous on black.... but blend in rather nicely with lighter colours, which is encouraging.
6. How do they get their poo that color (that one was for you DB).
7. We are a family now. We will have different goals and dreams than we had before. We will have new love come from our hearts that we've never had before.
8. Someone else needs me. Incredibly humbling and incredibly challenging.
9. NOT going out in the evening doesn't mean staying home watching TV. It means spending family time together, tickling, playing, seeing how much of my chest hair she can rip out in one handful.
10. Seeing who my wife is becoming by having an outlet for all that maternal stuff that was always inside her and never had a chance to flourish.
How LIFE has changed, HOW LIFE has CHANGED!! But I'm not complaining.
I totally woke you up when I called yesterday morning, didn't I? Don't lie!
Thanks for the poop thoughts. I'm right there with you. Baby poop is weird in colour! Just wait until she eats solids. Neatie peatie!
That's so wonderful. I bet you guys are doing amazing! Yay! :)
"Life has changed Mr. Moores...life...has...changed."
(I said that with my best H emphasis/accent, while taking my sunglasses off, holding my head to one side, putting my hand in my pocket, while squinting and looking out at the horizon)
You're preaching to the choir, buddy. And it only gets more fun from here! :)
Can't wait to see her!!! Will you still be at Historymaker? Is that a life change too? No more running around filming kids being lit on fire?
guys, oh my goodness congratulations!! from what i know of you two, you are blessed beyond measure by this beautiful girl, and she is blessed incredibly to have you as parents. i am so happy for you :)
Hi Paul and Wanda...you don't know me but I'm Heather Cyr's best friend and I clicked a link from her blog...anyway, I have cried tears of happiness for you while I have lurked around your blog undetected...
I just want you to know that if it is possible for someone to be delighted for a perfect stranger than that is what this is....
God Bless
May your tea/coffee be hot, your cereal not soggy, AJ's diapers not leak.......have a fantastic day - it'll probably be the longest mother's day you'll have :)
Oliver and i made sure mom didn't miss out on any of hers.
loads of love from the Sopwiths
Sounds like bliss for you guys! Happy Mother's Day Wanda... and don't worry Paul, Father's Day is coming up!!! Can't wait to meet Ally! Miss you guys! Love, Daleena
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