Thursday, January 25, 2007

Information Porn

Sorry for the racy title but it's the only thing that captures my thought.

I've been dealing with an addiction that I've only recently, with the help of a friend, come to realize has a grip on me. It my desire for information. It doesn't matter what kind or of what relevance it is to my life, I just love information. I want to know when the new Flaming Lips album is dropping, what price I could get a home espresso maker for on eBay, And who's blog I haven't read, or more importantly, who's left a comment on mine.

Not only am I hooked on this drug, I have found a great place to get it: right here. The internet has become my dirty little secret. Now please don't misunderstand me, I don't have a problem with internet pornography in the classical sense. I have built safeguards into my life that help me with that.
But see the internet is there whenever I need it. I can be the 1st person to know about the latest trade in the NHL or the first person to know about Brittney or Paris's latest screw up. I can check the weather, WHENEVER I WANT!!! Not just when that guy comes on the news.

I struggle with control. I never thought I did but I do. In my mind, I think that if I can know everything there is to know about tomorrow, nothing will trip me up tomorrow. Nice thought I guess.

So I'm not disconnecting my internet and I'm not going to join a monastery. But I am going to:

- Spend no more than 20 minutes per day on the internet.
- Blog only weekly.

My time on the internet was interfering with my time with my wife. It was interfering with my time with God and it was interfering with my time with others. When 1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready to give a reason for the hope you have, I'd be ready after I responded to an e-mail or read this fascinating article about the new Apple iPhone.

So if you're a daily lurker, sorry. I'm cutting back to only weekly. I hope you understand. (In the process of writing this post, I have come dangerously close to my 20 minute allotment.)


Caroline said...

yup, totally understand, so no worries. I too am addicted to the internet. I do all things AFTER I check my email. Gee, maybe that's why Justin doesn't listen to me right away! I want him to respond NOW, but do I?

Johnsonville said...

Hey Paul,
Just found your blog. Hope you guys are doing well. Sorry about your wallet...dang!

Here is my very new attempt at blogging. It's very heavy on pics as you can see.

jaz & les ghag said...

hey Paul, good for you - I agree, the internet is very addicting, just surfing for the sake of surfing...keep fighten the good fight...peace

Anonymous said...

I commend you. I could never limit myself to 20 minutes a day!

lucashannon said...

I agree with you and sometimes think I should set some sort of regulations on my internet time. However I spend most of my time on the internet at work (which probably isn't that great to begin with but hey I'm bored) so at home I'm rarely on it. But still I often feel it could easily become something that is out of control in my life. Kudos to you for setting some limits. :)

MJZ said...

Good for you b'y, nudding good on de ol' computer hanyways...
Hope you two are doing well
Have a good day me ol trout

Anonymous said...

Good for you Paul. I wish I had more self control when it came to my time on the internet. You've definitley challenged me on this one!

Anonymous said...

Outstanding decision, Paul. I look forward to hearing that you have controlled your internet addiction.

Markimus said...

Kudos... self leadership is always the best... people generally are able to find that balance ... Glad you areon your way to it.
I spend 12 hours a day on the internet... part of my livelihood... maybe I get paid for my addiction...LOL

Anonymous said...

Good for you Paul! I have seen a drop in the number of hits to my site since you started. But I salute you.

Cyriously? said...

I can definitely relate. But being out of my home and staying here and there and everywhere has really limited my internet and blogging time. I will look forward to your weekly entries.

Anonymous said...

Man, good for you! I, of course, found your blog while surfing (granted, my students are working, but...whatever). It is an addiction, isn't it? Maybe you've given me motivation for Lent!
Cheers, Tom