She was introduced to her mother on April12th, 2007 and her father on April 16, 2007.
Annalise means "graced by God's Provision". Amen, brother!!!
Acceptable short forms are Lisey (LEE-SEE), Alise, Ally, or AJ (not to be confused with the Backstreet Boy).
Here's your chance to say something to Annalise. I promise whatever you post, I'll read to her. So if you think she needs a warning about her father's taste in hockey teams or something of that nature, Fire away. I'll let you know what she says.
Our family officially begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! You all look FABULOUS! What a gorgeous family!
AJ, Welcome in the world! It's a lot of fun here. Have a beautiful life - you got the most wonderful parents and you all will enjoy life together very much. We pray blessings and God's eternal favor on your life. There are NO LIMITS to what you will become and how happy you'll be in life. We love you and can't wait to meet you.
With prayers, Anna, Shel and Mia
Welcome to the world, Annalise... I've known your Mumma for ages now and can certainly say that you are in the MOST capable hands I know. Your Pops on the other hand... :P Only kidding. He is a good man. You are fortunate, indeed.
I wish you health, happiness, joy and wisdom... I know you will be loved beyond anything you can imagine...
Welcome Baby Annalise! What a beautiful name :0) Can't wait to meet you!
Love, your Mommmy and Daddy's long time friends,
Chris, Caroline, Justin and Ashleigh
Oh my..............my heart is exploding with expression I can't even release........Annalise.....you truly are a "gift from God"!
Paul and Wanda..........we have been experiencing instant tears.....everytime we think of you and your precious one!
There are just not enough words to fully express our excitement and happiness and gratitude to God for His unfolding in your lives!!!
We LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL so much and can hardly wait to see you and hug you up!!!!
Precious one......oh you are so so loved........welcome ......precious one!
Dale and Bernice Neuman
your family rocks!!! Welcome to the world baby Analise, you are going to have a wonderful life raised by two very wonderful people. Your dad may be goofy but he has good taste in coffee and there is something to be said about that. As for your mom, I have no doubt that she is overflowing with love for you and is going to treat you as such. I am so happy for you.
you look incredibly cute.
loooking forward to meeting you little one.
paul and wanda.
very very happy for you.
Annalise...you are too much for words. :) You are such a gift from God and He has great things in store for your life. Your parents loved you before they even knew you and now they will be able to pour that love on you every day of your life.
I agree with your other friends when they say they instantly start crying when they think about the way this has unfolded. I tear up and get goosebumbs when I try to imagine all that has happened in the past 2 weeks. Wow! God is faithful...
Welcome Annalise! You are so blessed by God to have such loving, fun, Godly, and dedicated parents. Don't be too hard on them... no midnight screaming sessions, no temper tantrums, and no throwing food! Oh, and don't forget to give them lots of snuggles, kisses and smiles!
Hope we can meet you soon. Congratulations on the gift of two amazing parents!
Kenny, Charlene, Brayden and Ethan
From Mike N.
There are rumours that Mac Computers are good welllll it's just rumours AJ.
Well there will be some new little something for AJ and the Mom and Pop as well, when you all return.
Such a Blessing Paul and Wanda
has been in My Life and others.
From Mike N.
Dearest Annalise,
You bring absolute joy to us and your beautiful parents. We loved the thought of you coming into your mom and dad's life, and we are so excited to be a part of seeing you grow up... Mom and Dad and baby Annalise we love you - Pryia and Asha are going to freak when they see her. Pryia has made her a welcome home card. I think Asha is working on an ECard as we speak. ;)
We await your return to the home land. Enjoy Hawaii with your little girl. Can't wait to see you. Nachos to celebrate?? LOL
Love Les and Jaz and Pryia and Asha
SO THRILLED for you ALL! annalise you really should start hinting 'big party-for-my-entrance-to-the-family' to your parents! there are so many people so excited to meet you!
and paul i'm SO glad u threw in 'not to be confused by the backstreet boy'. i, uh, yeah. *whew*
Mike again, Leaves me Speechless
That God has answered your Prayers
and I who have known you two for such
a long time am also brought to Tears as well when I think what a wonderful Mom and Dad you will be to AJ.
P.S. AJ I'm telling you Paul and Wanda Are The Best.
Welcome home little Ally... we've been waiting for you for a long time.
Weird Uncle Rob
WELCOME AJ and CONGRATS Paul and Wanda!
God has created a Miracle and He has answered many prayers.
AJ, you will be so loved by your Mom and Dad and by all who get to know you. I cried when I heard the news of your arrival and I am so happy for your Mom and Dad. May God continue to bless them with the joy we know you will continue to give them. May God bless you AJ and protect you.
Cheryl Schuetz
We can hardly wait until you arrive here in Canada and we get to see your adorable little face.
Be safe Paul and Wanda and hurry home with your bundle of joy!
Annalise we are so proud that you are a part of our family! We cannot wait to meet you and introduce to your cousin Jacob and have you be the best of friends! :) We know that you have the best parents who will love you unconditionally and make sure you are taken care of to the best of their abilities everyday.
We love you guys so much- so excited for you and for us- sooo happy that it worked out for us to have our little ones at the same time! Can't wait to meet her and squeeze her chubby cheeks!
Love jason and steph, and baby Jacob
Beautiful Annalise......welcome! You have two amazing parents who are going to love you and take the best care of you. May you be Blessed by God and may His Love and Spirit rest on you!
Paul and Wanda: Our congratulations to you both! You are a beautiful family and we are so happy for you guys!!
Congrats from our family to you on the safe arrival of your chosen daughter. Our Father chose her for you and you for her. How awesome is that?? You will be great parents and will be a huge blessing in her life.
BTW - double espresso is the best antidote to a night of baby crying...
PS - if you lay very still when she cries in the night, there's a good chance Wanda will get up and you can go back to sleep!
Dearest Annalise, What joy you have brought to the hearts of your parents and to those who have walked this journey with them. You were born in their hearts years ago and to finally meet you is a gift from God. You have the best mom and dad who I know love you more than they can express.
We can't wait to meet you in person! Come home soon!
Much Love, Patrick, Cami and Leiah
Annalise, you are such a gift and a blessing to your parents. You can't even begin to imagine how much they longed for you and love you. Welcome to your destiny. :)
Paul & Wanda, may you have a safe trip home with your beautiful little girl.
Ljfgboaubfgoa!! I am Soooo excited for you guys! What a crazy answer to prayer after everything. What a beautiful baby, you guys will make an incredible family. Congrats! You'll continue to be in my prayers as you guys make your way home.
i am sitting in Toronto airport with tears in my eyes, not becuz you left me wanda but because the three of you as a family make me smile to the deepest part of my heart and soul. I can only send you my best wishes, my prayers, and my love as you embark on this fabulous new journey as a family. WOW WOW WOW......
It is true what family and friends have said, you have the best mom and dad. You are going to learn so much-from making the best coffee to putting together an amazing scrapbook!
You truly are a gift from God, a blessing and a joy! We all can't wait to meet you!
Here's my message to Annalise:
Annalise Moores first of all welcome to God's country Canada. You are a blessed child.
Paul and Wanda are going to be the best parents ever. Listen to them carefully. See how they live and how they love Jesus. He is real and loves you so much.
Get some sleep so mom and dad can get some sleep too.
You are beautiful and you are an answer to many prayers.
We can't wait to see you. We will introduce you to our kids, Oakley and Rebekah. Watch out for Oakley he is all about light sabres and Dora. Rebekah is the golden child who you will get along quite easily.
Love Trevor and Ginny
Paul I bought that Macbook you recommended...pretty sweet. Getting used to the new way of thinking. Thanks for your advice.
Paul, Wanda and Annalise!
We are so excited to see your smiling faces as a threesome....finally! Blessings and blessings on your wonderful life together. Most kids get parents with no experience whatsoever...not true for you! Your parents are true pros and are ready for eveything you have to offer! Suprise them and make it super easy! Love you all and can't wait to meet Annalise in person! You'll be mobbed by Ellie, Isaac, Hannah and Olivia!
Love the Koch Kamotion
From Steve & Loney,
She is beautiful! We cannot wait to meet our new neighbour.
Congratulations to all - we are very happy.
Congratulations Paul and Wanda!!! We are so happy for you guys and what a blessing for that little girl to have you as parents!!! She is absolutely gorgeous and we think she is super duper! maybe some time we will be in Slave Lake at the same time and will be able to see her in person! Welcome AJ!
From Kim Hartman (Mel and Anna Mae Rachar's kid)
Congratulation, Wanda and Paul, so excited and happy for you. Annalise is adorable and you are both just beaming. Looking forward to seeing her when you come home this summer
Love from Bill and Karen Pearson
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