(On Saturday, Wanda and I made the hard decision to get rid of our phone book and Yellow Pages. We never use them because we look everything up on the www. Here is a tribute to the social icon that is the Yellow Pages.)
Oh yellow pages yellow pages
You're big and yellow
Oh yellow pages yellow pages
Can only be lifted by a strong fellow
All of your listings
Are in very small print
If I want to see them
I really have to squint
14 CD's
Or a bowl of bon bons
Will fit on the bookshelf
Now that you're gone
Oh yellow pages yellow pages
In the recycling are ya
Oh yellow pages yellow pages
I bid you sianara
God help you if you need to temporarily prop a door open.
And then when a plumber does a terrible job, how do you scribble nasty thoughts all over his 1/2 page ad. i suppose you could print out the entry or totally ruin your monitor screen.
Liz says, hope you used all the vouchers in the front first.
oh now she has it - how are you going to call an electrician in a blackout, and your laptop's run out of battery, and the landlord's out and no-one else is in your building is in either - huh, ha, see, hmm, hasty manoevre
we can you sell you one from 2003.
A future in poetry? You and Wanda could travel the world. She could play the bongos, you could read the poetry, and you will be known as the "Yellow Pages Turn Black" and I could be your manager. Brilliant? I think so...
Paul, you are a poet
Most may not know it
But your feet show it
They are long fellows
Dude, yellow pages are next to Hymnals as the church's greatest multi-tool. Think of them both as the Leatherman of Literature. They are not for phone numbers or notes & lyrics.
Think of wobbly tables, placing them under LCD projectors, tilting your floor monitor wedge to a better angle, and of course, muscle bound men in funny pants ripping them in half and pointing to the sky while shouting "Glory to Jesus". Seriously, would any of us be in ministry if it wasn't for the power team and the yellow pages? I think not. That is what the youth of today need! Keep the yellow pages around and rip them in half for your next strata meeting. Instant condo revival.
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