Well my week started as most of my weeks do, on Monday. Went to work at the Well and was feeling kinda funny. Didn't know why but was feeling weird. By about 2pm I had a full blow flu. My coworker made me go home. By 6pm, I'm wearing 2 layers of clothes and inside my bed covered up because I'm freezing. Had NO nights sleep and took Tuesday off to recouperate.
Tuesday night I went to a meeting to investigate the possibility of starting a community group for our neighborhood. Wednesday I was becak to work (probably should have waited another day since I just about passed out). Thursday I worked at the Well and then to Delta Church and then to a meeting regarding Christian ministry initiatives during the 2010 Olympics.
Friday I had coffee with a new/old friend and then helped my friend Jaz with his project NO BOUNDARIES which is an intentionally multy ethnic worship event. I came home pretty tired but I got to play with a couple of awesome musicians.
Saturday, we had an AGM for our condo building. It was mildly stressful but always good to hang out with people from the building. Then we went to pick up groceries which turned into a 3 hour ordeal because of traffic and lots of people at the Superstore.
Sunday, it seemed like the whole church forgot the timechange. Not actually but it did feel like we were all still missing an hour of sleep. Great to finish our week with our Living Room Church crew. That's always restful.
So there's an update from our life. I've got to go.... to work!
Sounds like you needed some good breakfast cereal to give you energy. Could you imagine what would happen if Chuck Norris teamed up with the Power Team? Unstoppable, I tell you.
Dude, I swear, everybody I know right now is getting sick, EVEN HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD! Stay Healthy, save the world from flu
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