At Conference On The Ministry I made the following statement:
"When you start something new in ministry, you measure success differently"
A friend asked me to unpack this statement a little bit and I thought I'd address it through a post just in case someone else heard me say that and needed an explanation:
I'm not sure why I made that comment because in retrospect I actually don't measure success any differently. I was probably saying it to make myself feel good.
OR, I have always measured success improperly. Maybe I've always cared about what I think success is. Maybe I've been too caught up with "closing the deal" with an unsaved person.
OR, success is a term that is totally incongruent with the gospel. Maybe the heart is not a measurable thing.
Or maybe I'm afraid of failing. Maybe I'm so consumed with the need down here that failing will absolutely devastate me.
I'm not sure.
"Or maybe I'm afraid of failing. Maybe I'm so consumed with the need down here that failing will absolutely devastate me."
Hmmm...that is such a good thought! Maybe success is measured differently and to the same degree that we are passionate about what we are doing? When I think of the things that would devestate me b/c I've failed I realize that I place a lot more significance on that success then I would something else. I see why the statement works...for me I have a hard time dealing with success statements mostly b/c I am trying to figure out what success means in ministry. ????
This process down here has been way harder than I realize. It takes a lot, not because of circumstance but because all the rules are different.
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