Thursday, March 06, 2008

I've Been Thinking About Sex

I know, what a cheap (effective) way to get more traffic back to my blog....

But seriously, I HAVE been thinking about sex. It's a physical thing right? Man & woman, physical "relations".

How does it end up being so much more than that?

In it's essence, it's a physical need finding physical fulfillment, but in actuality, it becomes a spiritual act binding and bonding 2 people together (who are hopefully prepared for such binding and bonding). And it's been going on for a long time (see the second chapter of the Bible, verse 24)

I'm not going to get into it much more than that because the point that has impacted me is how a physical act becomes a spiritual act. Someone temporal, has done something eternal.

Let me draw a parallel:
I've just returned from our yearly pastor's conference. I have reconnected with a lot of freinds that I haven't seen for a year. I've been able to share a meal with some really special people. I feel encouraged in ministry and mission for the first time in a good long while. And then my mind drifted to the sex thing (just wait, it will make sense). Here is another physical act that becomes a spiritual act. The physical presence of these people in my life has ignited a spiritual hunger and passion that lifts me.

This encourages me. That what I can do in my everyday life can have eternal siginificance. Because there are times that you feel like it doesn't. God is always working, it's our responsibility to "get into the bed" so to speak.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

i like your "connection" paul...glad you are writing again! always liked reading your blog. looking forward to celebrating two babes in a few weeks!