I can't believe my iPod's gone
It's dead, dead, DEAD. It won't turn on
For weeks the iPod battery
Had not been working good for me.
So now, without, I now can see
The iPod is a big part of me
And my collection of music
Without, I am, it makes me sick
And awfuller still the truth is this
"I MUST REPLACE" and soon forthwith
80 gig classic in black or white
So I can listen both day and night
Or maybe I should by the "Touch"
"Would I use the wi-fi?", not that much
My dillemna is a real decision
And in my heart I feel derision
Do you think? Is it a Maybe?
That I don't need an iPod you see.
Nah.. put that thought out' my head
I world without earbuds, I fear and dread
So off to Craigslist to find a deal
And no eating out a costly meal.
Save my dollars for such a time later
To get a new mp3 player.
Now you see having one computer like me is hard meaning being without an ipod maybe a blessing a rest as it were.
Are you really going to buy an MP3 player? I didn't think you would give up on ipod so soon.
Don't get some generic MP3 player! That would go against the brotherhood.
Your iPod lasted a good long time.
Stick with MAC!!!
Hey I got a secert, well it won't be after this An Ipod is an Mp3 Player:D
Ipods are designed to break. And you cannot take them apart to fix. Once everyone realizes this, apple is going to be hurting. Any other MP3 player does the same thing at much less the cost. I WILL NEVER BUY AN IPOD!
yup, i'm sure Apple is hurting.
well any news on the new iPod?
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