Friday, July 07, 2006

I'm Back

In true Po-Mo Blog Boy fashion, here's what we've been up to in our absence from blogging :
822 kilometres to Kamloops and back
0 good cups of coffee in Kamloops
39 degrees Celcius each of the..
3 days we were there
2 waterfights with our nephew, Kyan
1 new God-daughter visited (picture to follow)
102 booths visited at Kamloops Canada Day celebration
3 nights that friends spent with us at our place after we got back
1 game of Settlers of Catan

So yeah that's about it. Hope yer'all getting the summer started right. Come visit us!!!!!


jeremy postal said...

If there was a recovery group for blogging I may need it.......but po-mo-blog-boy???!! You're freaking me out!

Sounds like a great trip!

Siggy Islander said...

Wow - good to hear your back...Do I ever miss you and Wanda! Seems like forever since we've had a good coffee and chat. I'm hoping life gets into more of a rythm soon so I can feel more on top of things and get a chance to connect.