Here's an article by Apple. It outlines all the reasons I've switched to the good guys. For all my friends who don't understand why I've switched, read on.
Do you have a MAC yet? NO! What are you waiting for? Are you tired of searching for drivers, or scanning for viruses? Life is easier with a MAC. Below are 14 reasons for you to buy a MAC as your next computer.
1. It just works.
How much time have you spent troubleshooting your PC? Imagine a computer designed by people who hate to waste time as much as you do. Where all the hardware and software just works, and works well together. Get a Mac and get your life back. More
2. You can make amazing stuff.
Every Mac comes with iLife ’06, a suite of software that transforms your photos, music, and video into all kinds of projects. Make high-quality websites, photo books, DVDs, songs, slideshows, music CDs, calendars, cards, prints, podcasts, music videos, documentaries, and more. More
3. Design that turns heads.
You won’t want to hide your Mac in a corner of the den. You’ll want it front and center in your life. The Apple style shows in every detail, from its sculpted surfaces to its gorgeous Mac OS X graphics. More
4. 114,000 Viruses? Not on a Mac.
Mac OS X was designed with security in mind. Windows just wasn’t built to bear the onslaught of attacks it suffers every day. A Mac offers a built-in firewall, doesn’t advertise its existence on the Net, and isn’t compromised within an hour of being turned on. More
5. Next year’s OS today.
Since Mac OS X engineers aren’t busy damming a flood of viruses, they have the time to think up amazing new technology. Like Dashboard widgets, mini-applications offering a world of capabilities just a keystroke away. Or a built-in RSS news reader. More
6. The latest Intel chips.
Intel Core Duo processors put you on the cutting edge. In fact, a Mac with an Intel chip is so fast it surprises even longtime Windows pundits, who keep running benchmarks again and again. Results? Fast. Fast. Yup, still fast. More
7. Instant video chats.
Setting up a video chat with the people next door — or across the globe — should be as simple as picking up the phone. On a Mac, you just click an icon to have a four-way video chat in a full-screen window with amazing clarity and special effects. More
8. More fun with photos.
On a Mac, you don’t need any extra software to make a photo book. You don’t have to leave your photo software to visit a separate website and wait for forms to load. All you need is a camera and a Mac. More
9. One-click websites.
How long does it take to post a photo or video to your blog on a PC? On a Mac, you can shoot a picture or a movie with the built-in camera, then post it on the web in a few clicks. Pontificate, preachify, and publish. The hardest part is coming up with something to say. More
10. Amazing podcasts.
Want to get your message out to the world? Podcast it. A Mac makes it simple to create professional podcasts, complete with artwork. Add sound effects and jingles, even use the built-in radio engineer to make it perfect. So you can be a talk star in seconds. More
11. Rock star tunemaking.
Musicians get all the girls (or guys). And a Mac has the software to turn you into the musician of your dreams. Choose from hundreds of cool riffs and instruments to create your own songs. Get good enough and you could be on iTunes. More
12. Hollywood-style movies.
Connect your DV camera and turn your movies into spectaculars. Add graphics, titles, and sound effects in minutes. Then use your Mac to burn a DVD or post to your website. More
13. No hunting for drivers.
Just plug in your stuff. A Mac includes USB drivers for mass storage, digital cameras, input devices, iPod, and more. It can see Bluetooth cell phones and headsets, as well as FireWire cameras. No rebooting. More
14. Awesome out of the box.
Other computers include software, it’s true. But once you start using that software, you find that you’re hobbled in some way or another. Software included with the Mac, on the other hand, is critically acclaimed as best in class. More
That's funny, I posted the same thing. A while back you should check this out as well. One more reason to switch.
Sorry I don't agree. Sure gimmicky widgets and photobook makers would be nice, but not really what I'm looking for. What I want is cutting edge software/gaming support, and macs are always 6 months to a year behind in that arena.
Plus, why would not having to update drivers be a good thing? Doesn't that mean that companies can't continue to offer support on their products? Or does mac claim to create perfect drivers (because that would make me laugh)
And to boot... macs are friggin expensive joe!
Ahh yes - my big regret for the last few years ... not getting a Mac. That's okay though, one day it will be mine!! :) In the meantime I will just give jealous looks to those who have made the switch ;)
Sorry Graham. You have to pay for quality. The things I DON'T have to pay for as a Mac user are:
1. A really good photo organizing and editing program.
2. A really good video editing program.
3. A "so easy to use it's ridiculous and your pages don't look like eveybody else's" web site design program.
4. A studio quality music recording program.
5. And most importantly VIRUS SOFTWARE AND REPAIRS.
In a recent survey of new laptop buyers on college campuses done by Wired magazine, Apple is out performing PC's 3 to 1... 3 to 1. I work at a college 4 days a week and I always see twice as many Apple's as I see PC's.
As far as gaming, Buy a freaking xBox 360. Playing games on a PC is so 2002.
Muwhhhaaa once I get my thoughts together Ill have something to say and not as anyominous but as CityBoy
The no viruses rocks. No need to run Norton every 5 minutes. Not to mention the fact that you never have to see the "blue screen of death," which I used to see at least once a week on the PC.
So delbert, I have to ask what "cutting edge software" you are talking about (Publisher)? Mac has some of the most cutting edge stuff out there (Final Cut Pro and Aperture). As for gaming BuYAAA to Paul, so last year.
As for drivers, most of the latest drivers are installed with Apples own system updates.
And a Mac is no more expensive than a PC with the same equipment and spec. Price 'em out, you'll see
All you would have to do is try one and you would never go back to the PC.
I think if Jesus was alive he would use a Mac and drive a VW!
i just had a mac revelation moment a few weeks ago. i no longer have any professional need for a PC, and i'm a youth pastor, so why would i even consider anything other than a mac
as someone who has used PCs since IBM invented them, and someone who has made hundreds of thousands of dollars/pounds fixing them, troubleshooting them and protecting them from viruses and crashes and all that. the reasons to stick with a PC are limited to gaming .. and for that the X-box360 just wins hands down on the fun to installation time ratio!!
all i need is for some willing person to accidentally run their mini van over our trusty reliable 4 year old dell laptop, and the insurance money buys a mac.
i have simply run out of reasons not to. and my ipod needs a friend.
There are pros and cons for both, but personally the mac comes out far ahead because I am not much of a gamer. Anyone into gaming would like the PC better.
Another thing is that I have only every gotten one virus on my PC in the tany years of being online - that was my fault accepting a suspicious attachment on MSN messenger. And my FREE AVG virus scanner found it right away.
Where the Mac is better is that it executes commands much much faster than a PC does at the same CPU clock speed. For video editing the MAC is far superior (especially if you get 8 GB of RAM).
Well as we are recover(hehehe)
What you all think about scientist saying the whole world is running on a String theroy engery waves??
i agreee my friend. i have recently converted to a macbookpro =) yah baby!
widgets are dumb i admit.
i highly reccomend a great program called --> Quicksilver in lou of widgets...
peace dog.
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