This idea came from Simone:
1. Open up your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question below type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. No repeat artists…stuff happens (randomly!!)
7. No cheating or doctoring your list to make yourself look cooler than the person you took this from.
The Result
Opening Credits:
Love Is Blindness - U2
First Day of School:
One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Falling in Love:
Colored People/Entertaining Angels - Mashup - DCTalk and Newsboys
Breaking up:
Maybe Baby - Buddy Holly
Theresa - Yuca
Life’s Ok:
Madame Bonaparte/Devil's Dream/Mason's Apron - Leahy
Mental Breakdown:
The Rotten Hand - Flatfoot 56
Coming Toward - David Crowder Band
Carried To The Table - Leeland
Getting Back Together:
I Love Your Presence - Vineyard Cinncinati
Wedding Scene:
What If - Coldplay
Birth of Child:
Song For The Bride - Brian Doerksen
Final Battle:
Satisfaction - Rolling Stones
Death Scene:
I Belong To You - Lenny Kravitz
Funeral Scene:
Everything I Do I Do It For You - Brian Adams
End Credits:
Y Cain't Da Homiez Hear Me? - Gospel Gangstaz
What’s the soundtrack of your life? Let me know in the comments section.