I'm drinking tea...... and I LIKE it.
You see, when you do something as a job you often lose the joy of this endeavor. You become a drinker only for the purpose of determining if your customers are enjoying a consistently great tasting cup rather than for your own enjoyment.
I've lost the wonder of espresso :(
I've become so obsessed with creating the perfect espresso shot and the best latte art that I've completely abandoned the joy of the bean. Which leads me to my new love..... Yeah I said love! Deal with it.
Peppermint Tea. I really like it. I feel like I'm drinking a good drink and chewing a stick of Extra gum all at the same time. Sometimes (make sure there are no children in the room) I even put 2 tea bags in one cup.
But what of espresso? Shall it be my Ex forever? Not forever but for the forseeable future. I did have an Americano just this morning made by a fantastic barista and it was very good but I found myself wanting the cool tingle of peppermint rolling over my gums instead of the "dark chocolate" bitterness of espresso crema.
This all has got me to thinking about the way I treat the Word of God. Do I lose the wonder of it because I'm "in the business"? When was the last time I partook in the Word of God for me (like, really) and not to pass it on to someone else? Because those 2 things ARE different.
Anyway, now you know the truth straight from the horses (which eat grass) mouth.
You can often love two things...
It's a mood thing...
PS: Try Green Tea and have a Chai Tea too!
mmmm, peppermint tea. I think I'll go brew some right now. Might help my sore throat.
Hmmmm wanna talk about it This Tea Obession or is it mearly a phase in ones life that one is going through, that the very thought of having too much expresso has brought one to drinking Tea?? To put it another way your saying that your sick of coffee and coffee related drinks and just needed a change, well then in that respect it is perfectly acceptable to try somethin new, besides the English have been into Tea for a very long time and arnt going to change anytime soon.
So in conclusin if you want Tea then have Tea and if you want a coffee related beverage then so be it. We who know you as a Friend and care for you understand we all need a little change from time to time.
I was forced to give up caffeine by my doctor, and since I have always been a tea lover, thanks to my Scottish granny, I have rediscovered my first love (the decaffeinated version of course). I appreciated what you had to say about the Word of God. I hope you rediscover your first love with a new passion. I am finding that without caffeine my mind is clearer. I hope that my time in the Word will be the same. Blessings to you!
Wow. You've changed, Paul. It's gonna take me a while to adjust to the new you. I'll have to digest this while I digest my cup of Creamy Earl Gray, bought at Murchie's, of course...
Paul as I read about your newly discovered love for tea I was getting so excited until you came to the part where you prefer peppermint tea. YUCK!
For me it can only be Twinings Earl Grey. I actually bring my own tea bags when we're staying away from home. Red Rose is a swear word in my house!
That's right Red Rose is offensive and Twinnings Earl Grey is deffo The Best.
Peppermint Tea hmmm perhaps we can pray about it.
Can I let you in on a little secret...sometime I drink water...lol. Good for you, way to come out of the tea closet. You're a bigger man than I.
Remember Turkish Coffe in Lviv Paul? Come back to the light mannn...
Or I'll have to come over there and kick your tea bag!
Seriously bro, I guess it's OK if you want to turn over a new LEAF.
I expect it will be a STEEP climb back to coffee.
When it's all said and done, you can take the coffee out of the man, but you can't take the man out of the elevator.
That comment is Totally Steeped.
Don't you just hate that when your
finished with the tea bag you don't
know where to put it being all gooshy and wet. I mean they should have
a little thing to put it in, ynow
like chewing gum you can put it
in the wrapper. Me I like my Mocca.
Personally I think coffee is of the devil.
Tea is more like hanging with Hilter so it's not that bad.
Just joking of course about the Hilter part.
I hate coffee...but I love the Moores. I am definitely not your target audience.
Love Trevor
Dude, we've been drinking tea since Geoff Moore was still recording contemporary Chrisitian music. Ang is big on the London Fog. I'm more of a John Sleeman kind of guy. There, I said it.
BTW, I resent the slam on my blog. I think about it, but I just don't have the energy right now. Three times I prayed to the Lord "Give me a ministry like Paul where I can drink coffee and muse all day for my blog" and three times He replied, "Get over it".
I poke chocolates to see which ones I like and feed my kids all of those nasty strawberry and orange cream ones.
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