Here I'm going to attempt to shamelessly pigeon hole every blog in the world:
Mommy BlogsThese are big. They generally are run by (you guessed it) moms and consist of tales from the playground or the last family outing. A good example of a mommy blog is
here or
Mommy Blogs PlusSimilar to the mommy blog but usually run by a mom who should have been a standup comedian or Jim Carey impersonator. Personality reigns supreme in these blogs.
Here is a good example of Mommy Blog Plus.
Musings On LifeThese are people who are just giving their opinion on life or telling a story of something challenging or interesting in their day. They don't make any major claims on life but you feel like you're seeing into their life in their blog.
This blog and
this one are good examples of this.
Chick BlogThis is nasty territory. It's like
Beaches, a box of
Kleenex, an episode of
Dr. Phil and
Oprah plus a day at
the mall all rolled into one. These are blogs that have the sole purpose of making people cry. I know some blogs that venture into the chick blog realm but have only ever truely been to one chick blog and
here it is.
Family BlogsThese are blogs that start out as family websites (usually run by the guy) and quickly degenrate into Mommy or Chick Blogs because the guy doesn't follow through on keeping up with the blog. Here is are a
couple of
classic family blogs.
The Theology BlogThis is usually an "inside joke" type of blog in that it's a closed group of people that comment. Sometimes these blogs receive no comments at all. Which is generally OK because theologians usually don't like to be disagreed with. I won't list a link to a Theology Blog in fear that I might tick that theologian off.
Honest Dialogue BlogOr the "HDB" for short. These are usually blogs that bring up good questions and let people "have at 'er". The joy is not in the answer in these blogs but rather, "What's the next question we should be asking?" This blog attempts to be an HDB from time to time but the best one I visit is
this one.
Special Interest BlogsThese are blogs devoted to small niche topics like
sports or
cafe reviews or
restaurant reviews or f
aith and politics.
This really should be a
Wikipedia article or a
Webster's definition because it's so exhaustive.
Anyway, if I've incorrectly labeled any of you, or if you know of some blogs that fit into any of these categories, I'd love to know.
Did I set a
record for
the most hyperlinks in a