Monday, September 18, 2006

Where Have I Been?

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Here's my quote of the week:

A Christian doesn't avoid the questions; a Christian embraces them. In fact, to truly pursue the living God, we have to see the need for questions.

Questions are not scary. What is scary is when people don't have any. What is tragic is faith that has no room for them.

- Rob Bell

Any thoughts???


jeremy postal said...

No thoughts; just a question...

Is it even possible to live without questions?

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

thank you...I love it. So so true. I just people would embrace this more and realize that we are never going to have all the answers and that we should be asking questions the rest of our lives.

Delbert said...

i'm not sure jer... is it?

Jesse said...

"Questions are not scary. What is scary is when people don't have any. What is tragic is faith that has no room for them."

I think that's a fantastic statement! I think it's fair to say that we will never fully "figure God out", and so there will always be questions in our faith. And that is so very good, since with more questions we are led to more answers, or possibilities - which inevitably leads to more questions. All which slowly grows our understanding about both life and God.

The person who was stopped asking questions, perhaps has stopped growing?

jeremy postal said...

It is purely my observation: I have never met a single person that has had no questions - even people who, at first glance, seem questionless...have deep questions that they simply are not asking.

Often times all that it takes is someone else to ask them some questions in order to expose their own...

Using this quote in some teaching tonight. Thanks Paul.

Anonymous said...

enuff metal to fill a bucket

If you have one line you need two hooks.

that has plenty of thingamabops

sorry for my Bad newfie but I luve that new nissan commercial.

drewology said...

I wonder if we really believe that questions are not scary? Bell raises some pretty scary questions in his book.

Rob Petkau said...
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Rob Petkau said...

My question is...
Paul, will you buy me a coffee if I come visit you?

Paul & Wanda Moores said...

Of course Rob I'd buy you a coffee anytime, even a bad one. Hey, the Drew, questions are really scary but no questions is not the opposite of scary but rather the amplfication of scary.

Anonymous said...

Today someone asked a group to voice one question they wanted God to answer. People didn't want to answer THAT question because it revealed too much... Our questions tell a lot about who we are. Maybe that is the scary part.