Thanks for all the good dialogue on the last post (especially Jer and Sam dB). It caused me to want to back up a bit and do a definition or maybe a re-definition.
What is a Christian? I'm sorry to implement this rule but, if you read this you
must respond.
ah MAN! I'm caught now, can't run away to another blog because you said I MUST respond...
What is a Christian?
Well, I believe a Christian is someone who trusts in God, wants to be Christ like and wants to share God's love with others.
Much of the early church criteria for being a Christian included the belief in the historical Jesus as being an actual real man who walked the earth.
We have troublems dealing with "born of a VIRGIN" while they had problems with "BORN of a virgin".
All that to say: part of being a Christian is belief in Jesus the man as God.
A Christian does NOT wear this shirt. ick.
I've been using this definition with the people in my church:
A Christian is someone who takes Jesus seriously.
That's a great practical definition, Derwyn. It's not a definition that needs to be defined but needs to be explored and investigated.
I'd be interested in how you take Jesus seriously or what are the marks of taking Jesus seriously as you see them.
blogger ate my comment...
maybe you got it via email...
Good question.
A Christian is what was stated already,
Just to add on that - a Christian, must also ACT on those wants and beliefs. You think?
I heard a story once, and was told it was true. It was about where the word 'christian' came from. Skipping the story, they called the followers of the early church Christians because they were like miniChrists. Christians are that then.
maybe being a christian is to take part in the continual process of the saving work of Jesus. being saved and helping to save the world.
Ghandi said, " I like your Christ, I don't like your Christians" Strong words. I believe that a true follower of Christ would actively engage in changing that opinion. "Christian" is the name given by the Greeks or Romans, probably a derogatory term, to the followers of Jesus ("little Christ's!"). The disciples didn't use it but called themselves "brethren," "the faithful," "elect," "saints," "believers."
Hey Nancy,
My personal favorite is "People of the Way".
A Christian is a true follower and disciple of Jesus. It's not in name only but by lifestyle. Barna says he believes there is a missing link between belief and behaviour in "Christians" lives. Kind of like the comment Nancy left. This should not be. There are many who think you need to reach perfection before you come to Christ. Not true. He is perfection reaching out to us. He reached out to the adultrous woman, the sick, the demon possessed, the poor, the rich, the dishonest, the religious, the simple, etc. And thankfully he reached out to a teen in Quesnel named Trevor.
It's about believing that Jesus is who he said he is and following his example.
This question is too big for a blog. People have literately wrote books on this subject.
I can't define this. I can't define something that I hold no subsciption to. If I try, that would do two things.
1. It would make me hold/have authority over something that I really know nothing about and would be based in heresay and speculation... consequently leading to...
2. My point being discredited by those who would consider themselves Christian.
I am a bit damned if I do and damned if I don't (HA! No pun intended).
Either way, I don't discount Christians for wanting to emulate themselves in the name and likeness of their lord and saviour. If that is what they are trying to do. I do discount those that sit atop a mountain of doctrine and hide behind the word of God (tm). As if it WERE an industry and not a faith. From my brief encounter with Christianity my understanding is that it is NOT supposed to create a factory that spits out souls in the name of Christ, but that it is to change and enrich lives through the teachings of Jesus Christ. I am not a believer in diety of Christ. I hold no affiliation with any religious sect or organization; Christian or otherwise. I do have my own spiritual conclusions that I have drawn through YEARS of searching and seeking. In my experiences, if I were to take that critical road and define what a MODERN DAY Christian is, it would surely be met with a barrage of "Oh no you didn't!!" and highly offended people. Which would never be my intent. My own experiences can only define, for ME, what I see modern Christans as, and that isn't much help to The Church and It's Cause. I know, in some way, I *have* answered your question and made my own definition, but once again, I reiterate. It is not done with any authority and I understand that it really is moot, at this point.
I hope you realize how much I value what you have to say. I believe that properly focussed dialogue (which I would define as dialogue with the purpose of leading towards truth) is always positive.
I do believe you are a truth seeker.
Let me try this again...
Jesus said "Follow me", and "If you love me, obey." So maybe a pop definition of a Christian could be "An obedient follower of Jesus Christ." If that's what Derwyn means by "taking Jesus seriously", then I'm in, otherwise I'm not sure we're going far enough.
Too bad Ghandi isn't still alive today, 'cause then he could learn something from Samantha...
I'll take that as a positive thing. You know that Ghandi oftentimes went barefoot in his travels which led to very hard-soled feet, was extraordinarily thin and frail and suffered from a scorching case of bad breath. This made him:
*bad dum bump*
OK Sam,
You've got to start blogging because I want to here what YOU have to say about the world!!!
What makes you think I don't blog???
Actually, I do have a blog. It's just really... "cynical" and definiately not rated below PG. Its is a place where I vent and rant and explode. Although, I should post some of my more "intellectual" pieces in another blog with a different identity. Good plan, Paul & Wanda!!
I'd pay to read your blog!!
Let me in please!!!
Send me the address offline. I won't tell anyone where it is. Honest!!
Hey Sam,
The Ghandi reference WAS meant to be a positive one in your direction. Glad you took it that way...
And I, too, would be interested in reading your blog. As for the "not below PG" rating...don't worry about it. I went to public school and know those words too...
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