So today I try to go to Small Business BC to do some research for our business plan. As I'm leaving I get this great idea to go to the music store and check on guitar lessons. As I'm walking there I come up to a corner and some guy bumps into me. After I cross the street I reach for my wallet in my coat and IT'S NOT THERE!!
I had my wallet stolen today and I'm not really happy about it or anything else right now. In fact about the only thing that could brighten my day right now would be if the Oilers won the Stanley Cup and that can't happen for a number of reasons, biggest of which is the fact that it's February.
Being stolen from is one of those things that you can't really put into words. Somebody was in your stuff and you can't do anything to really do anything about it. It's gone. You know I'm a pretty big guy and I don't much think about being in situations like this because my sheer girth usually scares people off. But I have to admit it's been 5 hours and I still don't feel right. I've lost my wallet a hundred times in my life and suffered the same consequences as far as having to replace cards and losing cash but this feels WAY different.
I did all the right things and cancelled my cards. None of my cards were used in the interim. Thanks be to God.
So I'm not really whining but I have been usingthis blog to sort of verbally regurge when I'm sick about something so today, I'm sick about this.
LIFE SUCKS WHEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS. Sorry cant come up with something more interesting to say,
Soceity is Broken and no one has any guts to fix it. The pagens yell at Christians whilsts other religions are fine. So if Pagenism isss soooo much better I like to see proof, like no more under age crime if they comit they pay etc etc.
I'm so sorry, Paul, that your wallet got stolen. What a terrible feeling to have something of yours taken. That totally sucks.
That totally rots. So upsetting to have your wallet stollenn! GRRRRRR!
Dude - that really sucks. If I'd known this morning I would have bought you a coffee!
Life sucks some days. Come by the Warehouse I can get you a new wallet.
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