5. Christ Martin's hair. I saw Colplay at GM Place and I was a gajillion rows away but it was good to see that my eyes aren't that bad because his haircut looked just as bad up close in the camera.

4. Madonna & The Gorillaz. Too much time at home with the kids watching Saturday Morning cartoons.
3. Kelly Clarkson's Performance Dress I think I heard it described as "rescued from a garage sale at Anne Murray's house".

2. Billy Joe From Green Day. I thought he was in a punk band. He looked like a total schmoozer up there presenting an award. Good Lord, whatever happened to being anti-establishment.
1. Kanye West & Jamie Foxx. I'm tired of the freakshow vibe in performances. I didn't get it. If you're going for freakshow, at least have some midgets or firebreathers. Even a clown.
DIS-Honerable Mention: Jay-Z, Linkin Park and Paul Macartney sharing the stage, Sugarland's souless performance, Jennifer Love Hewitt being anywhere near anything to do with music.
The 5 best moments of Grammys '06

5. Mary J Blige and U2 singing "One". A timeless, important song that means a lot. And she actually pulled it off with the R&B voice. And she definitely got the spirit of the song. I thought she was gonna pass out she was so excited.
4. Coldplay's performance. Not great but good enough.
3. John Legend. This guy seems fairly well adjusted for one of Kanye's posse. Glad he won. Good vibe to his music.

2. Mariah Carey's performance. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Glory Be To Jesus, Sombody Help Me Now. Like church for the pop spiritual group.

1. Kelly Carkson's Performance of "Because of You". I actually cried. I think I got what she was trying to say. I'm impressed enough that I will buy her album.
Honerable mention: U2 winning Song of The Year for "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own", the New Orleans thing at the end, Ellen DeGeneres' (non) introduction of Paul Macartney.
props on all said. I'm in agreement. I had to stay up till 3 watching the show though, with it cutting out about 5 times. It was worth it in the end. PS, favorite this was Ellen's intro.
Yeah, like you said in the number one worst moment(s)(of all awards shows). Cheers, I gotta go git me sum GRILLZ! Bling-bling, blam-blam. We also have a family blog. I am so not doing an emergent blog. I REFUSE!
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