I can't believe I got Wanda to marry me - I love a long americano with one pump of hazelnut and a dollop of real cream - I'm becoming more aware of the power of film to motivate people - I'm not sure if I like the Oilers or can't let go of the Gretzky era - I love soup - I think people who live in Downtown Vancouver and have questionable values and spend a lot of money on coffee and facials still deserve to hear about Jesus - I'm in love with my new iBook - I still feel like I'm from Kamloops - I read a lot because I'm afraid of being ignorant - I don't think I would vote for George Bush if given the chance - I think I like chocolate more than the average guy - I'm facinated with the idea of integrating the world and the church, believing that it is the way it was always supposed to be - I have great friends - Although I've been a pastor for ten years, I have never had business cards.
It's the Gretzky thing, man. Let it go! You live a block from the Garage...embrace it. And I can't believe you got Wanda either...talk about the undeserved favor of God!
The Owners of This Blog are very wise
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