OK it's been a long time since I blogged but I was just having coffee with a friend and we talked a bit about disciplines and I want to discipline myself to write a bit in 08. I also added a picture of Annalise to get the women to come to the blog.
In mine, everything is new:
New Joys
I can't explain to you how awesome it is to be a family. We've been at this 10+ months now and it's still amazing. I'm a dad and no longer just a husband. Wanda is now a wife AND a mother. Along with the joy of seeing Annalise's beautiful face each day, I have the joy of seeing my wife BECOME something new... And it's beautiful.
New Insecurities
Am I good enough?/Will I drop her?/Will I be a smothering parent?/How will I know when to let go?/Do I always see what I need to see?/Is my wife getting enough time alone?/Am I getting enough time alone?/Are we spending enough time together as a family?/Are Wanda & I spending enough time alone?/When will I NOT be tired?/Should we adopt again?/How can I be the provider I need to be?/Is this neighborhood safe enough to raise a family in?
New Possibilities
I continue to be amazed at this city... The last few days have made me stand in awe at God's beautiful creation again. But I am also amazed at our capacity for self presentation and promotion. People (Me as the Chief) love themselves and love to love themselves. Wanda made the comment the other day as we were entering a store that people LOVE to spend money. How do you teach people to b selfless when this city honors and makes famous those who are "self first"?
New Commitments
I've made a few, not resolutions but commitments for this year:
1. To blog consistently
2. To always be reading
3. To drink lots of water (because it is key to my emotional health)
4. To turn off the TV more
5. To turn off the computer more
6. To go see more live music because it's life giving to me
7. To spend more time with my friends
8. To spend more time on the Seawall with my wife and daughter
9. To be in the place again where I have lots of people speaking into my life
10. To have lots of seed to sow (Matthew 13)
Hello Again. I'll see you next week.