Somehow we got on the topic of Mennonites. Greg pipes up and mentions that he' s got Mennonite heritage (I hadn't already realized this because we do all our correspondence through Gillian, who uses here maiden name still). So I ask him his last name and he tells me. And then I say "Wanda's mom has an uncle with the same last name". IT'S THE SAME GUY!! Wanda and him are related on different sides of the family. Then it turns out that Greg's brother married Wanda's mom's cousin. So there's actually 2 family connections. Wanda has stayed at Greg's brother's house (which Greg and Gillian helped build).
Hence the title of my post. It got me to thinking, is my view of the world getting smaller or bigger, and which is more preferable? Are there people close to me that should be (or, in this case, actually are) like family to me?
The first part of Hebrews 13 says:
"Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it! " - The Message
In this case we entertained FAMILY without knowing it. The crazy thing was, realizing someone so close to us (geographically) was so close to us (in family relations) was like receiving a visit from an angel.
that's amazing! It's crazy how small our world really is.
That's pretty awesome!
Wow Guy! That is the coolest story! So who else are you related to? Anybody rich?
Boston Pizza
Too many comments Mike. And stay on topic.
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