Which is more valuable? I've been wrestling through this one this week. Erwin McManus in his book Uprising makes the statement that if he had to choose between authenticity or integrity he would choose integrity every time. It's hard to argue with that but how do you have one without the other? How can you be integral without being authentic? And true authenticity will always have a quest for Christlikeness at it's core.
After reading the afore mentioned statement, this is what I took away. Knowing I am a person who values and models authenticity, I want to live a life where people can also see my character. I want people to see the hope that is inside of me.
See..... But even as I say that, I realize I have 2 hopes inside of me, to be like Jesus (integrity) and to be known (authenticity). Well I guess it's safe to say I'm still wrestling through this one.
How do I become more like what you
want to be.
The Steps to be taking I mean.
I would think that authenticity and integrity go hand in hand. I'll have to talk this over with my academic husband. Thank you for giving me a good conversation idea. :) I'm searching for ways to relate to this serious, learning mind I'm married to. He's changed since he started studying! haha... sort of laughing. :)
Seriously, though, this is an interesting thought to grapple with. Thanks for sharing it!
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