There seems to be this longing in the hearts of all the Christian leaders I know for more than we have seen. Part of me thinks it comes from such a disappointment in all of the "methods" or "patterns" they thought were such a cool idea coupled with a common sense knowledge that God is who He says He is. It makes me look for leadership to lead me towards this goal but there aren't a lot of them around. I guess that makes sense. If the church really is on the verge of a reformation, then there needs to be no doubt as to who the glory will go to.
I long for the day when the church is powerful for God in their communities.
I long for the day when people are just "dumb enough" to take God at His word regarding all the promises in Scripture.
I long to be so full of love that people think I might actually be from another planet.
I long to be so full of love that my wife thinks I might actually be from another planet.
I long to own a coffee shop that people come back to day after day becuase "there's just something about that place and the people are really nice."
I long for the church to be a force.