It's been bugging me lately that it seems the Church (in general) uses music in a very old fashioned way. By that I mean, 100 years ago we thought, "If we have good music, people will come and listen and then we can preach the gospel to them". In esssence, a church service looks structurally the same as it did 100 years ago. I call that the "attractional" model. I don't think this works any more because the church doesn't have the very best musicians in the community any more so we're not really attracting anybody. The bigger problem I think is that what we have in the church now is a place where there is no room for music as artistic expression. There are churches where this happens but mainly it's because the church consists of mostly artists or was founded by artists.
Now think abot the fact that other forms of art (dance, painting, sculpting, photography, etc...) are way less represented in the Church, and you see the challenge we have in being a place where artistic expression can happen.
Do you guys see this in your setting? If so, how do you think it can be changed? Or.... am I asking the wrong questions?