Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So Late October

Remember how I said brown is the new black? Well it turns out that light purple is the new brown.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

New Look

Being the fasionable guy that I am, added to the fact that "brown is the new black", I've updated ny blog look. What do you think??

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just Being Straight With You

If you come to Vancouver and come to downtown..... and DON'T call us, I'm seriously questioning your walk with God. I mean, let us show you around, let's go for a coffee, and ESPECIALLY if you're going to a game or concert, DON'T PAY FOR PARKING!!! My visitor parking is free and it's closer to the stadiums than most of the pay parking. If you're gonna pay $20 for parking, THAT'S SILLY!!! Come on!!!!

p.s. - you know who you are!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Time Out

** IMPORTANT NOTE - This Post Is For Christians Mainly**

You know how in church how they teach us that tithing is something we should do even if we can't afford it and that if we do, God will bless and take care of the rest?

Why don't we teach evangelism the same way? It's every bit the biblical imperative that giving is. What if everyone of us MADE time to spend with people who don't know Jesus?

I've heard a lot of people lately vent frustration about not knowing any unchurched people or people who aren't a part of their church. What if we just cancelled something in our church sched and got in to our community? What would happen? Would God forsake us and our lives fall apart if we spent time with people in our community? I doubt it. But what do YOU think???

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Beard Is Back

(If you choose to sing it, sing it in Db, the saddest of all sad keys)

One morning I arose
And thought, "No need to shave"
Much to my wife's chagrin
This way I would behave

And a mere 2 weeks later
Look what's on my face
It's a full on scruffy beard
Instead of a baby face

I hard to put into words
The way a beard makes me feel
More manly, more animal, more wild
Like I'm made of steel

But alas it won't last long
Maybe 'till December
These things are itchy as heck
Much more than I'd remembered

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Turkey Recap

Well we had a great weekend in Kamloops. Hung out with family and friends and had lots of great turkey. Came back on Monday and had ANOTHER turkey with our Delta Church staff. So we had lots of turkey.

I hope your weekend made you more thankful, for your family and friends and the many blessings God has given us.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A NEW Blog!!

I've started a new blog. It's www.vancouver-cafe-reviews.blogspot.com. Basically I figured since I go to so many cafes and drink so much coffee, I should begin reviewing these cafes. I'll put a link in my links section as well.

Finding Family In A Greek Restaurant

So last night we had the WIERDest experience. There is this great couple upstairs, Greg & Gillian. We've been getting to know them this year by going out to dinner at various ethnic restaurants, Thai in February, Indian in May, Japanese in August and Greek last night (Mexican in November is the plan).

Somehow we got on the topic of Mennonites. Greg pipes up and mentions that he' s got Mennonite heritage (I hadn't already realized this because we do all our correspondence through Gillian, who uses here maiden name still). So I ask him his last name and he tells me. And then I say "Wanda's mom has an uncle with the same last name". IT'S THE SAME GUY!! Wanda and him are related on different sides of the family. Then it turns out that Greg's brother married Wanda's mom's cousin. So there's actually 2 family connections. Wanda has stayed at Greg's brother's house (which Greg and Gillian helped build).

Hence the title of my post. It got me to thinking, is my view of the world getting smaller or bigger, and which is more preferable? Are there people close to me that should be (or, in this case, actually are) like family to me?

The first part of Hebrews 13 says:

"Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it! " - The Message

In this case we entertained FAMILY without knowing it. The crazy thing was, realizing someone so close to us (geographically) was so close to us (in family relations) was like receiving a visit from an angel.